Signs That Your Commercial Property Needs an Electrical Upgrade

January 21, 2019 10:32 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As a business owner, you have to balance a number of priorities in order to ensure that things continue to run as smoothly as possible. One of the most important things to do for your business is keep your facilities in the best condition possible. At some point, it may be necessary to upgrade your electrical wiring to keep up with increased demand from upgraded machinery, appliances and expanded workspaces. Read on to learn more about a few of the signs that you can look for to help you determine whether you need to schedule an upgrade with a commercial electrician in Forsyth County, GA:

  • Warm outlets: If your outlets or switch plates feel warm or hot to the touch, it’s a clear sign that your current electrical system doesn’t have sufficient capacity to support your needs. By the time you notice that your outlets are heating up, your electrical wiring is probably already under excess stress, so it’s important to get help from a commercial electrician in Forsyth County, GA as soon as possible. They will be able to help you with a system upgrade that will improve the capacity of your electrical wiring to better accommodate your system’s needs.
  • Flickering lights: While it’s common for lights to dim or flicker every once in a while, it shouldn’t be a recurring problem in your commercial space. If you notice flickering or dimming often, especially when you plug in a new appliance or piece of equipment, your electrical system could probably use an upgrade from a commercial electrician in Forsyth County, GA.
  • Frequent breaker trips: When your electrical system becomes overwhelmed by demand, it might cause a breaker to trip. Frequent breaker trips aren’t just inconvenient—they’re a sign that your electrical system is in dire need of an upgrade. You shouldn’t have to flip your breakers back on regularly just to keep the electricity running in your business.
  • Overloaded outlets: If you rely on a system of extension cords to power any of your appliances, it’s a good idea to consider an electrical upgrade to give you more outlets to work with. Extension cords are a good temporary solution to power needs, but you shouldn’t be using them all the time to power your business’ equipment and appliances. As your business grows, it’s likely that your electrical needs will, too, so it’s important to be aware of your power use and how it changes over time.

Contact a commercial electrician in Forsyth County, GA

The next time you need help from a trustworthy commercial electrician in Forsyth County, GA, reach out to Duke Electric Co. We are a locally owned and operated business with over 50 years of experience serving the community. We have extensive experience serving both commercial and residential customers alike, and we are confident that we can accommodate all of your electrical needs. Our team of expert electricians is fully licensed, bonded and insured, so you can always feel confident in the quality of the service that you receive. Reach out today to learn more.

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